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Minimum rates of pay and getting paid properly

How to find out about your minimum rate of pay and what you can do if you think your employer is not paying you properly.

There are minimum rates of pay for all employees in Victoria. Your contract or agreement can give you a higher rate or pay, but no employer can give you less than the minimum rate for your job and classification.

The Fair Work Ombudsman has the power to make your employers pay the minimum wages and entitlements.

How to find out about your minimum rate of pay

For details of what your minimum rate of pay should be, see the Fair Work Ombudsman website or contact the Fair Work Infoline on 13 13 94. The infoline can also tell you what terms and conditions you are entitled to.

If you are covered by an award you can also work out your base pay rates, allowances, overtime, and penalty rates of pay per hour using Fair Work Ombudsman's Pay Calculator.

Check your payslips

You are entitled to regular payslips from your employer that show how you are being paid. Your payslip should include:

  • how much you are paid per hour
  • how many hours you’ve worked in the pay period
  • the amount you’ve earned in that period
  • the amount of tax paid
  • the amount of superannuation.

Check that you are being paid at least the minimum rate of pay for your job and that you’re being paid your correct entitlements.

If you think you’re not getting paid properly

If you think you’re not getting paid the right amount, discuss this with your employer.

The Fair Work Ombudsman can make your employer pay the minimum wages and entitlements. You can make a complaint to the Fair Work Ombudsman by phone, in person, or online.

Provide as much evidence, as possible, such as payslips, timesheets or pay summaries (formerly known as group certificates), with your complaint.

Unpaid work

Sometimes a new employer will ask you to work for some time without being paid, to see whether you are ‘right’ for the job. This is called unpaid trial work and it is against the law.

Other support

Find out how you can get other support with employment.
