Victoria Legal Aid


Where to find copies of Commonwealth and Victorian legislation.

Use the following databases to find Commonwealth and Victorian legislation online:

Our law library has a small collection of legislation in print:

  • Commonwealth Acts (as passed)
  • Commonwealth Regulations (as passed)
  • Victorian Acts (as passed)
  • Victorian Acts (current)
  • Victorian Regulations
  • Victorian Bills.

Other resources


Australian Government gazettesExternal Link – links to all Commonwealth gazettes, including the Government Notices Gazettes and the Australian Public Service Gazette.

HansardExternal Link (Parliament of Australia) – Hansard is the official record of parliamentary debate in Australia.

Index to Parliamentary PapersExternal Link (Parliament of Australia) – reports, returns and statements from departments, authorities, parliamentary and ad hoc committees of inquiry and royal commissions and the like, which have been presented to the parliament and considered appropriate for inclusion.

Office of the Parliamentary CounselExternal Link – the Office of Parliamentary Counsel is responsible for drafting Bills for introduction into parliament.

Parliamentary Library publicationsExternal Link (Parliament of Australia) – publications from the Parliamentary Library, including Bills, digests, research papers and background notes.


HansardExternal Link (Parliament of Victoria) – Hansard is the official record of parliamentary debate in Victoria. This database is searchable from 1991 onwards.

Victoria Government GazetteExternal Link – provides official notification of decisions or actions taken by, or information from, the Governor of Victoria, government authorities, departments, councils and individuals.

More information

You can also search the Public Law Library CatalogueExternal Link .

Disclaimer: The material in this print-out relates to the law as it applies in the state of Victoria. It is intended as a general guide only. Readers should not act on the basis of any material in this print-out without getting legal advice about their own particular situations. Victoria Legal Aid disclaims any liability howsoever caused to any person in respect of any action taken in reliance on the contents of the publication.

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Reviewed 18 March 2022

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